

Your charity gives hope

The Prophet (saw) was asked, ‘If one of us cannot visit it (Al-Aqsa), what should we do?’ He (saw) said, ‘Then he should make a gift of some oil to be lit therein [in its lamps]. For indeed the one who gifts this to it will be like the one who has prayed therein [worth 1,000 prayers]’. [Ahmad]


Alhamdulillah, we are illuminating the Dome of the Rock Masjid, which is located at the centre of the Blessed Masjid Al-Aqsa complex!


This is believed to be the exact place where the Prophet (saw) was ascended into the heavens on Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj. SubhanAllah, he (saw) not only met prophets and angels (as) on this journey, he actually met Allah, our Lord and Creator!


Illuminating this sacred space carries the reward of praying there - worth 1,000 prayers! You can give this beautiful Sadaqah Jariyah on behalf of yourself or a loved one.


You will receive two free bottles of olive oil from the Blessed trees of Al-Aqsa as a thank you from our partners in Jerusalem for helping to preserve the Sacred Sanctuary.